How To Embrace Your Tomato Girl Summer

Tomato Girl Summer might have started gaining traction in 2023, but for me, and thanks to my flourishing garden, 2024 is the year I fully declare it to be MY Tomato Girl Summer. Have you heard of this trend? As many things do these days, it started on Instagram, referring to a retro, laid-back, Mediterranean-inspired aesthetic. But what I like about Tomato Girl Summer is that it has also a food component to it—imagine "girl dinner" effortlessly meets the Mediterranean diet.

To me, Tomato Girl Summer embodies more than just fun colors and fresh produce. It encapsulates the leisurely European summer mentality, where slowing down and savoring daily moments is key. Whether it's packing a riverside picnic or slipping into your favorite sundress for no apparent reason, here is my curated list of 10 activities to help you create an unforgettable Tomato Girl-inspired summer, including the perfect playlist.

10 Ways to Embrace a Tomato Girl Summer

1.Make a meal from your garden or the Farmers Market.

There's something profoundly satisfying about eating a simple, perfectly ripened tomato, peach, or any summer produce. Whether you've got a sprawling garden or prefer to leave it to the farmers, savor something seasonal

2. Dress the part.

Break out a flowy sundress. Don a straw hat and slip on some strappy sandals. Think vintage prints, light fabrics, and colors! Wear a breezy sundress on a day you might typically throw on a pair of shorts, even if it’s just around the house.

3. Plan to dine al fresco.

Set up a picnic by the riverside or dine under the twinkle lights in your backyard. Pack a basket with fresh bread, cheese, olives, and, of course, a beautiful tomato salad. Take the time to savor each bite and the company around you.

4. Pick a weekend to embrace the slow life.

Let go of your packed schedule and allow yourself to slow down, ideally for a whole weekend. Whether it's a leisurely stroll around the neighborhood, a long afternoon nap in a hammock, or simply sitting with a book and a glass of wine, relish a no-schedule schedule!

5. Connect with nature.

Living in Bozeman, we're blessed with the beauty of nature all around us. But you can plan a hike, a day by the lake, or even a camping trip to get outside. Allow yourself to be present with the sights, sounds, and smells, letting mama nature recharge your spirit.

6. Engage in a creative practice.

Let this month inspire your creativity. Paint, write, garden, or even try your hand at making pasta from scratch. Pick one thing that sounds fun to you and get into the creative flow for an afternoon.

7. Read that book!  

If you're like me, you have books piled on your nightstand.  Do the thing - read that book.  Dive deep and don't come up for air until you've fallen into the rhythm of the book and its characters.  Plan so you can allow yourself to slip away for an afternoon.

8. Make an iced coffee float.

I'm addicted to Genuine Ice Cream's nitro cold brewed coffee floats with vanilla or coffee ice cream.  While I'm obsessed with Genuine's version, these coffee floats are easy to make at home and are a simple "fancy" dessert for low-key summer dinner parties.

9. Go swimming.

When was the last time you swam in a river or a lake or the ocean? Summer is the perfect time to reconnect with your inner nine-year-old and swim in the wild.  It's invigorating, clears the head, and calms the nervous system almost immediately, making it my go-to for those more stressful summer afternoons.

10. See a movie at the theater.

Grab a couple of friends or take yourself on a solo date.  Escaping by myself to the theater feels wonderfully indulgent in the very best of ways, especially when I splurge on popcorn, Junior Mints, and a Coke!

As we head into the rest of this Tomato Girl Summer, let's embrace it not just as a trend, but as a way to honor our beautiful lives. Each day is an opportunity to savor, to explore, and to appreciate the journey we're on.


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