The 6 Major Detours of my Life

If there’s one thing I’ve learned on my journey of life so far, it’s the power of Detours. Life is a beautiful mess of twists and turns, and each one we take shapes us into who we are meant to be. Up until this point, these are the six major Detours of my life that have led me to where I am today.

My 6 Major Detours:

  1. Moving Cross Country: Daring the Unknown (1987 - 1997)

    At 20, I Dared myself to escape the familiar forests and farms of Oregon and embraced the hustle and bustle of New York City. For 11 years, I navigated the vibrant streets of NYC, soaking in every ounce of adventure and opportunity. It was in the city that never sleeps that I discovered my independence and resilience.

  2. A New Chapter in California (1997 - 2017)

    After a decade in New York, I felt the call of the West Coast. California became my home for 21 years. It was there I found my creative groove, nurtured my soul, and became a mother.

  3. Choosing Motherhood: The Ultimate Journey (1997 - present)

    Motherhood was an unexpected Detour, a journey with no map and many adventures. Raising my children has been the most challenging yet rewarding experience of my life. Every moment has been filled with love, learning, and growth.

  4. Another Cross-Country Move: Finding Home in Montana (2017)

    In 2018, after spending years visiting, we moved to Montana full time. It was here that I began to reconnect with nature and myself on a deeper level.

  5. Beating Breast Cancer: Reclaiming My Health (2019 - present)

    Life threw me a curveball with a breast cancer diagnosis, just 5 months before a major pandemic. Through two surgeries and treatment, I fought hard to reclaim my health. Today, I stand here, happy, healthy, and cancer-free. This Detour taught me the real strength of my spirit and the importance of self-care.

  6. Embracing Change: Deciding on Divorce (Finalized 2024)

    After 32 years, I made the profoundly sad decision to end my marriage. This was an incredibly difficult choice, one that required immense courage and self-reflection. But in stepping away from what no longer served me, I rediscovered my own strength and resilience.

**Currently: Finding Joy**

I'll be honest—since closing the chapter on my divorce in April, it’s only now that I’ve felt a marked transition to where I am in my life right now. This spring has been a time of deep introspection for me. I scaled back my social media presence and didn’t undertake any major travel until our Dare trip to Scotland. Through this period of reflection, I’ve realized I’m in a new place. Even compared to this time last year, when I was focused on navigating the final stages of my transitions, I can see how far I've come.

My story now? I feel a shift in focus, and that shift is centered on joy. After everything I've been through, I wake up every day with a light feeling and a joyful heart. My focus has shifted from just surviving transitions to thriving. I'm spending more time in nature, traveling, embracing the beauty of aging, and leaning into my authentic self.

These Detours have not been easy, but they've been instrumental in shaping the woman I am today. I haven't made any super extreme outward shifts (though I celebrate those who do), but acknowledging and sharing my journey with you here, I feel, is my way of marking this new chapter. I've gained a broader perspective through all these experiences, and I've learned to be compassionate with myself—a lifelong journey, I’m sure.

As I move forward, I’m rebuilding (and Daring to embrace aging) in a way that works for me. I am profoundly grateful for the opportunity to do this, knowing that every challenge could have taken me out, but didn’t. Instead, they’ve carved a clear path for what I need to focus on.

Thank you for being part of this journey with me. Here's to the start of summer, gardening, and fun in the sun!


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