What is ‘authentic’ travel?

And how do we get more of it?

There’s nothing better than a Detour where you really get a feel for how the locals do it. Whether it’s wandering the cobblestone streets of a small European town or driving down the dusty road toward a mountain ranch, the experiences we all crave are authentic ones.

I recently watched The Last Tourist, a documentary about the theory that we’re at a tipping point. ‘Overtourism’ is magnifying our impact on the environment and vulnerable communities around the world. The thing that struck me as the most important thing about traveling is challenging your views. And in order to do that, we need authentic travel. Or authentic Detours, in my book.

Authentic travel, to me, is the experience of getting truly immersed in a place, unpacking my bag and settling into the daily rhythm of wherever I am. Seeking out connection with the locals is always where I start, which makes exploring off the beaten path, and learning about the history of a place through its cuisine, its music, and its architecture so much more enjoyable. I've set up Dare to Detour very intentionally to give back to the communities and those who make these retreats happen.

The Detours I lead are intended not only to reconnect your spirit with adventure, but to immerse you in a place. They are designed to cultivate creativity and joy. And most importantly, for you to feel supported being a part of an authentic community. We fall into a way of life the locals live, and we work in partnership with the women and places we are visiting.

Have questions about about how I Detour?


She will try to cancel the trip.


I Dared myself to move to NYC