Detour Diaries

Dare to Detour is the supportive wellness community you deserve.

We invite you to join us for the journey, as we reconnect with ourselves — mind, body, and spirit — and step into a new way of being.

Self Care, Mindfullness Ali Holst Self Care, Mindfullness Ali Holst

Reclaiming Our Wild Selves

Living every moment to the fullest is something I'm really passionate about. To me, it's about changing the conversation around aging, embracing every aspect of life, rather than chasing eternal youth. It is such a privilege to be alive and what a refreshing perspective shift to have!

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Wellness, Self Care, Mindfullness Ciera Krinke Wellness, Self Care, Mindfullness Ciera Krinke

Brain Health: A New Age

We all know that staying on top of our mental wellness can be a challenge, but tools like therapy, yoga and meditation help us stay on track, right? Despite all the evidence (and advertising!) in support of self-care tools like these to help stay sane amidst the chaos of everyday life - we aren’t always paying attention to our brain health… are we?

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Daring Darling Profile: Cristol Barrett O’Loughlin

As the founder and CEO of ANGEL AID, Cristol is working tirelessly to offer antidotes to the adversity and challenges faced by families affected by rare diseases.

Rare diseases impact more people on the planet than AIDS and cancer combined - 350 million people, half of whom are children. [Source: Global Genes]

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