Detour Diaries
Dare to Detour is the supportive wellness community you deserve.
We invite you to join us for the journey, as we reconnect with ourselves — mind, body, and spirit — and step into a new way of being.
Lisa Joslyn | From College Professor to Yellowstone Tour Guide
Meet Lisa Joslyn, and how she's supporting women to feel competent and comfortable in nature's wild places.
Sydney Ludden | From Postpartum Funk to European Adventure
Traveling with an infant. A daunting task.Traveling internationally with an infant and packing up to be abroad for an entire month? I had some nerves.
Nico Hurley | A Path Rewritten
I was on a rock climbing trip in Red Rock National Park, Las Vegas, when I woke up to the news that my cousin Kendra had passed away. Although her death was not unexpected, it still hit me hard, like a punch in the gut, leaving me breathless. The death of a loved one can profoundly awaken you to the reality of your own life.
Morgan Marks | Reclaiming My Hunting Heritage
Guest blogger Morgan Marks chronicles her transformative journey from a childhood aversion to hunting to embracing it as a profound, ethical practice. Through lessons learned in the Montana Master Hunter Program, she opens up about the deep connection between sustainable hunting, personal growth, and the natural world.
How to Budget for Travel | Our Stories Matter
As a financial planner for over 24 years, I have witnessed just how easy it is to save when a savings goal aligns with one’s personal core values. The first step to budgeting for travel is discovering what type of travel best suits you. And this is achieved by determining your personal core values.
The Fear in Mountain Climbing | Our Stories Matter
I started climbing and placed some gear, but none of my gear was that great and I started to panic. I just froze and couldn’t move. Tears were filling my eyes, but I forced myself to continue climbing. I thought it would just go away and I would gain some bravery again.
Susi Dokken | Our Stories Matter
I’ve been traveling to Morocco for 15 years in my role as the president of a nonprofit. So when Sheryl reached out for a chat before her Dare to Detour Morocco trip, it felt somewhat natural. We decided to meet for what I thought would be a regular first-date coffee, but within an hour, something profound happened.
My Story
It was 2017, I was living in Tiburon, California and was a member of The Hivery, a popular women-only co-working space in the next town over. With two teenagers about to graduate high school, I noticed a posting for a class called ‘What’s Next 101’ and decided to sign up. I was part of the first cohort of 9. Besides me, the other gals were all seemingly successful, full-time, career-driven women. And although I worked hard both as a full-time mom and as a pro bono fundraiser successfully bringing in upwards of a million a year, I felt like an epic failure.
She will try to cancel the trip.
Today, I have a story for you about my friend Kathy…
Kathy Foote is afraid of flying, doesn't like hiking, won't get near a horse, and had never been to Montana before her husband bought her a Dare RETREAT EXPERIENCE with the warning that she would try to cancel. She did try - twice.
Karen Lum: Fly-Fishing and the Pursuit of Self
For Karen, fly-fishing is a place to do the often-difficult work of freeing her mind and sinking into her true self. As someone who admittedly struggles with yoga and meditation, the river is a place where she can access calmness and inner quiet.
Daring Darling Profile: Cristol Barrett O’Loughlin
As the founder and CEO of ANGEL AID, Cristol is working tirelessly to offer antidotes to the adversity and challenges faced by families affected by rare diseases.
Rare diseases impact more people on the planet than AIDS and cancer combined - 350 million people, half of whom are children. [Source: Global Genes]