Detour Diaries
Dare to Detour is the supportive wellness community you deserve.
We invite you to join us for the journey, as we reconnect with ourselves — mind, body, and spirit — and step into a new way of being.
Why Every Woman Should Experience Solo Travel
A solo female travel experience is incredible for the soul — at any age.
I am deeply passionate about this and believe it to my core. Providing safe and meaningful opportunities for women to experience travel is the intention behind Dare to Detour and it's at the root of our mission.
How Detouring can Change Your (mid)Life
Do you ever find yourself thinking…?
I want to design the next chapter of my life on my terms. But I'm worried that it's too late to start.
This isn’t the White Lotus
But it will change your life.
Detouring has become my religion.
Because Detours shift perspective.
Why Morocco?
You might be wondering why I chose Morocco as a place to travel as a woman.
And why do I think Morocco is such an important place for us to Detour?
How to Make a Compassionate Comedown Plan
These are not the words we typically hear when we come home from a trip…
What is ‘authentic’ travel?
What is ‘authentic’ travel?
And how do we get more of it?
There’s nothing better than a Detour where you really get a feel for how the locals do it. Whether it’s wandering the cobblestone streets of a small European town or driving down the dusty road toward a mountain ranch, the experiences we all crave are authentic ones.
Karen Lum: Fly-Fishing and the Pursuit of Self
For Karen, fly-fishing is a place to do the often-difficult work of freeing her mind and sinking into her true self. As someone who admittedly struggles with yoga and meditation, the river is a place where she can access calmness and inner quiet.